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1/12/15 One Member of Congress = 18 American Households: Lawmakers’ Personal Finances Far From Average the majority of members of Congress are millionaires — 271 of the 533 members currently in office, or 50.8 percent. Half of this year’s freshman class were already millionaires upon their arrival. While the retirement of one senator whose name is the very symbol of wealth — Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.), whose median net worth was $101.2 million in 2012 — might have been expected to depress Congress’ numbers, the incoming freshmen include Rep. Dave Trott (R-Mich.) and his net worth of $200.5 million.

The president also urged Congress to pass the Student Data Privacy Act, which would prevent information collected about students from being used for anything but educational purposes. The visit to the FTC is part of a week-long push to pass various legislation. The FTC visit focused on legislation to protect the privacy of consumers and reduce identity theft.


  • Who is to receive the educational services provided by the taxpayer?
  • And, how does local and federal government ensure the quality of these educational services?


The one thing the Politicians can agree on is how to make money
by selling out public education (OUR COMMONWEALTH) to private industry (their friends).

Academic and classroom markets are profoundly different than business and workplace markets. Employers most want the people who have the skills they need, and don't care about the degree. Corrupt Globalized Corporate Greed has eviscerated the commonwealth and the middle class.



Culture of Corruption and Cheating: Politicians make money off of the business of education and get away with huge profits from the tax payer without educating anyone. (AASA) The American Association of School Administrators released a code of ethical conduct.


The Wall Street Meltdown - America is suffering in a Depression / Recession.

K12 Financial Literacy

The only sure source of money is from the taxpayer via government contracts or grants.  
This is how it works: Corporations donate money to the politicians' campaign, these politicians are elected, and the Corporate lobbyists get their financial pay back.

1) How EducRATS View Education as a Means to their Financial Ends
Why the self-proclaimed 'elites' view human beings as resources to serve economies. America's Educational System Roots in the American Liberty League now called the Tea (Taxed Enough Already) Party Movement. The Educrats were there from the beginning.





In his 1905 dissertation for Columbia Teachers College, Elwood Cubberly, the future Dean of Education at Stanford, wrote that schools should be factories "in which raw products, children, are to be shaped and formed into finished products... manufactured like nails, and the specifications for manufacturing will come from government and industry."

Many of his views appear to us today as paternalistic, anti-immigrant, and undemocratic. For example, Cubberley wrote: "We should give up the exceedingly democratic idea that all are equal and that our society is devoid of classes. The employee tends to remain an employee; the wage earner tends to remain a wage earner…One bright child may easily be worth more to the National Life than thousands of those of low mentality."



As head of the Department of Education at Stanford University, Cubberly trained a generation of administrators in what was called the "science" of school management. 


starts with the Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993. We are now talking about the content and delivery of education in the state. A rigid common curriculum and corresponding tests called MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) were implemented with the goal of providing consistent content and an assessment system for the whole state.



Best overview of the Moneychangers in the K12 Temple of Education.
This article does well in documenting the present state of American education. It will draw some comparisons to a previous event in American history. This refers to the Homestead Steel Strike of 1892 in Homestead, Penn. Financial giant of the day, Andrew Carnegie, used his significant corporate influence to not only lock-out several thousand workers, but he succeeded in breaking the union at the same time. How was this accomplished?

pinkerton detectiveWhen initial efforts to funnel in "Pinkerton detectives" to take over the fenced-in plant failed, Carnegie got the governor of Pennsylvania to bring in 8,000 state militia to effectively do all the dirty work for him. New non-union workers in, old union workers out.

10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America by Steven M. Gillon is the book that highlighted the Homestead strike as one of its ten events. In his epilogue about the event, the author notes

"Workers believed it was the responsibility of government to protect community standards and quality of life. Management believed that government should enforce the property rights of business leaders like Andrew Carnegie. The state's response to Homestead clearly established that Carnegie's rights clearly outweighed the general rights of any residents of Homestead. Any hope of creating a working class democracy in America died on that bloody July day in Pennsylvania."

No, we haven't had blood in the streets over education reform. However, the basic idea that money talks and everything else can take a hike is a constant universal truth. The union busting tactics facing today's teachers----denuding collective bargaining rights, ending seniority, merit pay, evaluations based upon single instance testing---just happen to be subtler forms of achieving the same end Carnegie sought over a century ago in a different era with a totally different industry. Unions then and now were an impediment to corporate profits. Andrew Carnegie's family emigrated to America. Determined to escape poverty, Carnegie went on to become the richest man in the world...after amassing a fortune by crushing his competitors and exploiting his workers.


Currently, there is a five or six year window of opportunity while states and localities are struggling to deal with school funding. Schools have found it next to impossible to free themselves from federal dependency for a mere 8 to 10% of their funds over the past several decades. Now facing budget losses of 20% or more due to state cut backs, the Carnegies of our time (Gates, Walton, Koch) can spin their magic. People will listen, and many people will demand their presence at the table because of what they bring--capital. ~ Max Fischer



Higher Education University Inc. Campus Commercialization and The CEO Salary Explained.
Executive Compensation The Million-Dollar President, Soon to be Commonplace.

Teresa Sullivan fired from UVA: What happens when universities are run by robber barons. - Slate Magazine

The University of Virginia appears to be part and parcel of the continuing corporatization of American higher education, one of the two great outside forces remaking academia at the moment (the other is the standards-ization imposed by federal and states government). The wedge through which this pressure comes is the increasing reliance on donor money of American colleges and universities. That money comes largely from successful alums, with those in business the dominant voice. Many of those donors want to bring the lessons of business to the world of academia and, with their millions, can frequently insist on it.

This process is helped by the cultural obsession with the market that infuses the US. “Market forces” are a supreme adjudicator for Americans, both ordinary and elite alike: “The Market as God,” as Harvey Cox put it. There are few institutions, organizations, or people in America who can escape being subject to the cold breath of market discipline at some time or another.

UVA Professor Bill Wulf Resigns
Professor Bill Wulf says the Board of Directors has gone too far and continues to ignore the cries from the faculty. He says resigning is a direct result of their actions.

The Corporatization of U.Va.
Excerpt: Reporters in Charlottesville and at the Washington Post have done a great job of covering the scandal, and you should read their work for a fuller picture of what's going on at the University of Virginia. What they found is that--far from incompetence or mismanagement--Sullivan's sin was that she acted as a university  administrator and not as a business person. As reported by the Post, one of the complaints was that she refused to cut "obscure" and low-revenue programs like Classics and German, and rejected a plan to bring online education to the university. In general, her opponents felt that she was too incremental, too ensconced in academic culture, and too unwilling to bring top-down, corporate-style governance to the university. And so, in the quest for dramatic "change," Dragas had her removed.
For as much as this has been described as "remarkable" and "unprecedented," I can't help but see it as the microcosm of a dynamic playing out in our politics and across our public institutions. The constant denigration of government and public service, coupled with the often unjustified veneration of business, has led to a world where successful capitalists are privileged in all discussions. In an earlier time, we understood that the values and priorities of the market weren't universally applicable; of course you wouldn't run a university like a business. It has different goals, serves different constituencies, and more important, has a broad obligation to serve the public.

Little Rock AK
In Little Rock, the state is acting with the Waltons and Tea Party types, and managed to take over the third largest school district. They promptly eliminated the union and set back the teaching environment several decades. The largest newspaper is part of the Powerful People, so the letter below was published in a free paper called Arkansas Times.


Some powerful people busted PACT, one of the state's largest education unions. The union drew the ire of a fundamental few for offering teachers a defense against arbitrary dismissal, and fighting for such things as pay for extra duty, livable salaries, safe, clean working conditions, flexible leave, competitive insurance coverage and a host of other things. All the good that the union achieved through expensive struggles will be taken away at the whim of the powerful few.

The expenses of the union in the fight for better conditions were paid from the pockets of teachers. The administration used tax money by the buckets to fight the union and keep teachers in their submissive places. The current action against teachers is taken under the guise of fixing a district in financial distress.

The deadly blow to most of the teachers in Pulaski County has the backing of the state Education Department and minions of single-minded supporters. The reason "most" instead of "all" was used in the previous sentence is that the other side has enlisted some teachers as rubber stamps. Those teachers form a committee that interacts with the administration in decisions affecting the district. They were selected in a contrived election about as fair as what takes place in some third-world communist countries. Just like those countries, the powerful few delight in using unsuspecting members of the working class to do their dirty work.

Please understand that the better working conditions achieved by the union were not the cause of the Pulaski County School District financial woes, but rather the money troubles resulted from abuse and poor management of the administration. Much of this wrongful mismanagement was described in newspapers and on television news because concerned citizens and the union brought it out in the open. It is doubtful that all the wrongs have been made public. Watch for the budget reports of the Pulaski County School District because there is a good reason to believe that it will end the year with millions in surplus.

If that happens, then the teachers will have lost their right to fairly bargain because of a ruse tactfully planted by the powerful few. Teachers will now work in deplorable conditions, but most will continue to do their best because that is the nature of a teacher. It is a shame there is no way for the powerful few to spend a few weeks in the classroom because if that happened, their adversarial attitude would assuredly change, or at least they would be considerably more charitable. 




The Department of Education are the political appointments: the former business CEOs, Economists, Policy Wonks and EDUCRATS who write the checks that finance the politicians who can award the tax payers money to their business to produce the "products" that Industry wants.

The EducRATS from Wall Street, University, and Government are used to market "reform" creating a customer - driven education system to buy education vendor products.

How Did Economists Get It So Wrong? By PAUL KRUGMAN 9/2/09

EducRATS chasing slave labor around the world so who needs training when there are no jobs, right? Education is really only for the Elites. WHO'S YOUR DADDY?

School Deform and No Federal Accountability 
Media - Business Journalists are cozy with Wall Street and Government, so they don't report the truth.

Public Institutions and Agencies Weaken the Trust of the Public.
Media Literacy: These gigantic media corporations are not going to do anything to threaten their relationships with their biggest advertisers and are always going to express the ideological viewpoints of their owners.