- Introduction
- Preface
- Overview
- Relief Valve
- LECTURE 1: Why We Are In The Dark About Money
- LECTURE 2: The Con
- LECTURE 3: The Vatican-Central to the Origins of Money & Power
- LECTURE 4: London The Corporation Origins of Opium Drug Smuggling
LECTURE 5: U.S. Pirates, Boston Brahmins Opium Drug Smugglers
- Pirates Profiteers Banksters Traders Transfers
- Pirates
- White Slavers, Cargo, Property, Auctions, Amazing Grace
- $ Colonial Labor: Indentured Servants
- England to Philadelphia Slave Trade and Opium
- Extract from Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions to Patroons 1629
- The Definitive Treaty of Peace
- Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges 28 October 1701
- Opium Trade -- American Drug Smuggling Pirates
- Opium In America
- 1% Power Elite Networks
- 1% Elite Networks Bush & The CIA
- BEFORE Skull & Bones
- Academia, Fraternity, Feeder Schools
- Yale and China
- Order of Skull and Bones Chains of Influence
- Tracing the History of Skull and Bones
- Russell Trust
- White Shoe Law Firms
- Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
- Ruth Avery Hyde Paine
- Skull and Bones Secrets
- $uper Rich
- Prescott Bush - Trading With The Enemy Act
- George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order
- Dulles Family and Harvard's Pig Club
- Du Pont Loves Monoplies, Nazis and Trust Funds
- Skull & Bones and the American National Red Cross
- Caribbean Pirates in the American South
- Who Were the Tories
- The Golden Age of Imperialism Opium Act 1908
- Global Dominance Groups
- The New World Order
- Characteristics of Fascism
- War on drugs
- Lecture 5 Objectives and Discussion Questions
- LECTURE 6: The Shady Origins Of The Federal Reserve
- LECTURE 7: How The Rich Protect Their Money
- LECTURE 8: How To Protect Your Money From The 1% Predators
- LECTURE 9: Final Thoughts
1832, when Yale student William H. Russell created the Order of Skull and Bones after visiting an occult society in Germany. Presidents William Howard Taft, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush were all members. So were Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, Time magazine founder Henry Luce, and an assortment of CIA officials, Fortune 500 CEOs, and politicians who, have had the president's ear.
Law only exists for 4 reasons:
1) Separate you from your freedom
2) Separate you from your property
3) Separate you from your money
4) SECRECY - Hide Your Money
Sam Altman president of Y Combinator isone of America's most famous tech VCs was kicked out of the Ritz in London for wearing sneakers "Gentlemen are required to wear a jacket and tie ... trainers and sportswear are not permitted in any of the hotel or Club’s restaurants or bars." London has a thing called actual culture starting with TRICKER SHOES

St. Michaels Road, Northampton England.
Today, the prominent law firms listed above play a special role in directing the affairs of the leading tax-exempt foundations which shape the culture and public opinion of the United States and many foreign countries. We have already seen that McGeorge Bundy, a leading Bonesman, left his position as National Security Adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in 1966 to assume the presidency of the Ford Foundation. During the nearly two decades that Bundy spent directing the $3 billion tax-exempt fund, he arguably wielded more power than he did during his six years as the National Security Adviser to two presidents. Under the Bundy reign the Ford Foundation spent hundreds of millions of dollars to launch the environmentalist movement and funded scores of projects devoted to population reduction in the Third World.
From its early decades, the Order has concentrated much of its efforts at establishing, controlling and, in some instances, capturing the major tax-exempt "philanthropic" foundations of America with the assistance of these powerful law firms.
The online education companies Eleutian Technology and Idapted merge, bringing together the American and Chinese companies in the fast-growing $100 billion market for online English instruction. Backers of the new company, which will retain Eleutian's name, include Cheyenne Capital and Gobi Partners, as well as the former Kleiner Perkins, Caufield Byers partner Russell Siegelman and Xu Xiaoping, co-founder of New York-listed Chinese education company New Oriental EducationTechnology. See China Curriculum: Education Market

White Shoe with pink soles are part of the Preppy Clothes Tradition
Thomas Cary Prep School Clothing and Accessories
Fred Egan, the author of Unabashedly Prep, discovered the Skull and Bones 1948 Yearbook in The Cary Collection underscoring a young George Herbert Walker Bush's betrothal to the secret society.
Skull and Bones Bohemian Grove
The NNDB Mapper allows you to explore NNDB visually by graphing the connections between people. Over 34,000 individuals are listed in our network.
The "shoes" that once identified the aristocracy in Europe now set apart the drug running aristocracy of the U.S. These "white shoe" law firms that protect Skull and Bones interests make sure that the U.S. maintains a 1% drug money aristocracy and that all attempts at democracy are subverted.
2016 How 13 law firms help launder money into US
13 US law firms, show how to get dirty money, “grey money” and “suspect funds” into the country ensuring their identity was never disclosed, despite Barack Obama repeatedly demanding a crackdown on global corruption. None of them made suggestions that were illegal. by Global Witness US lawyers giving advice on how to move large sums of money anonymously into the country.
A brief History of Money Laundering
In essence, money laundering is the act of concealing money or assets from the state to prevent its loss through taxation, judgment enforcement, or blatant confiscation. However, as the late J. Orlin Grabbe wrote: "Anyone who has studied the evolution of money-laundering statutes in the U.S. and elsewhere will realize that the 'crime' of money laundering boils down to a single, basic prohibited act: Doing something and not telling the government about it."
Money Laundering is a Financial Thought Crime
It's highly political and also a matter of perspective whether protection from confiscation is a justifiable activity. Government access to wealth is at the heart of the issue and it matters not if it's hiding money or cleaning money.
The U.S. has become a major hotspot for corporate secrecy, considered one of the worst offenders by advocacy groups like the Tax Justice Network, whose Financial Secrecy Index ranks the U.S. at No. 3. In the vast majority of states, companies aren’t required to disclose the names of their beneficial owners, and registered agents have no obligation to ask about this. More than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies call Delaware their corporate home (on paper, at least). Last year, the state incorporated some 170,000 companies. This past winter, Transparency International listed Delaware on a Top 9 list of “Grand Corruption” cases around the world. Attorneys in Uruguay for the OpenWorld investors say they discovered a Swiss Group shell company registered in Delaware.
Tax-Avoidance Experts - Trade invoice fraud cost U.S. $2.3 trillion in tax revenue 2016
Corporate tax evasion and money laundering have cost the U.S. $2.3 trillion in tax revenue, according to an analysis by a professor at Florida International University. FIU College of Business professor John Zdanowicz, a fraud expert, indicates that U.S. companies used false invoices to mask the true value of imported and exported goods. The study covers the period from 2003 to 2014 and is based on U.S. Customs data. As international banking as become more closely tracked, criminals increasingly have turned to false invoicing, found Zdanowicz, growing from $168.31 billion in 2003 to $230.58 billion in 2014 — a 30 percent increase.
Mossack Fonseca, The law firm is one of the most important in the world for creating overseas front companies. Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela has defended the country's financial sector, which is considered of strategic importance for the economy.
Joseph Stiglitz, who won the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001, would be one member of an international panel formed to review Panama's legal and financial practices and recommend improvements.
Center for Investigative Journalism in Americas in suit outing 287 MF nyms
Inside the Secretive World of Tax-Avoidance Experts A sociologist realized that if she were ever going to understand global inequality she would have to become one of the people who helps create it. So she trained to become a wealth manager to the ultra-rich.
Panama Papers Shed Light On Global Business Of Tax Avoidance
Roldugin — godfather to Putin's first child, Maria Putina — is at the epicenter of the alleged Russian arrangement, whose activities came to light as part of the data dump from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.
Rawle & Henderson LLP
16th Floor, 1339 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 575-4200
Founded as the Rawle Law Offices in 1783, we have been recognized by the ABA Journal as the oldest law firm in continuous practice in the U.S.
How old is the firm? Displayed in its conference room is a letter from Alexander Hamilton to its founder, William Rawle, asking for an update on a case. Mr. Rawle, a much-admired lawyer in his time, founded the firm in 1783. A friend of Ben Franklin, he’s probably best known for prosecuting the rebel leaders of the Whiskey Rebellion. It was an assignment that came directly from George Washington. Rawle during its early years specialized in maritime law and provided insurance counseling to shipping companies besieged by pirates. [Still Does!]
2016 Robert J. Aldrich III is an associate in Rawle & Henderson’s Harrisburg office.
QUESTION: Does Robert share the same family as Nelson Aldrich?
Jekyll Island Federal Reserve ... Purpose of the Senate
The Treason of the Senate: Aldrich, The Head of It All by David Graham Phillips - Cosmopolitan For the organizer of this treason we must look at Nelson W. Aldrich, senior senator from Rhode Island. Marriages with the Cranes, are also intermarried with the Aldrich family---key founders of the Federal Reserve System. [ NETWORKS ] ...
Crane was the “lieutenant” of Senator Nelson Aldrich, a prime mover behind the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
The Beginning of the Federal Reserve System -- Winthrop W. Aldrich was the uncle of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller.
In 1907 Warburg met Senator Nelson Aldrich , who visited [Jacob Schiff’s office at] Kuhn, Loeb to ask how the ... bills. Schiff didn’t know and summoned Paul. By the time Aldrich left, an enthusiastic Paul mused, ‘There marches national bank ...
What's Left Out of the Official U.S. Federal Reserve Curriculum ... Do you know who Senator Aldrich is or anything about The Aldrich-Vreeland Act of 1908?
The Supreme Court's Job is to Protect the Weak From the Powerful!
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
eugenics in the usa
If you weren't born into privilege without physical or mental defects, your role in life is to serve those that were.
And it was Oliver Wendell Homes Jr. who believed as his father did of the superiority of the "Boston Brahmins" as a group of people over anyone else which is why he helped the study of "eugenics" and passed Supreme Court Ruling That Led To 70,000 Forced Sterilizations sterilize imbeciles and morons. In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court decided, by a vote of 8 to 1, to uphold a state's right to forcibly sterilize a person considered unfit to procreate. The case, known as Buck v. Bell, centered on a young woman named Carrie Buck, whom the state of Virginia had deemed to be "feebleminded" the connection between the American eugenics movement and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany.
"We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind....Three generations of imbeciles are enough. U.S. Supreme Court rationale for sterilizing the 'unfit.' "Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200, 207 (1927) (endorsing Virginia's eugenics program)
Harvard university’s “final clubs,” or undergraduate social clubs known for their selectivity and secrecy. A Harvard report that linked final clubs with “nonconsensual sexual contact” last month, the Porcellian Club — which counted no less than President Theodore Roosevelt and Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes among its members.
Dulles Family and Harvard's Pig Club
Unions Win Fee Victory - The death of Justice Scalia evidently saved public-sector unions from a huge defeat in Friedrichs case.
Scalia was worth billions of dollars to corporate America, if a Dow Chemical settlement made public Friday is any indication. Dow was in the midst of appealing a $1.06 billion class-action antitrust ruling after a jury found that it had conspired with other chemical companies to fix prices for urethane, a material used in furniture and appliances. But because of Scalia’s death and the sudden unlikelihood of finding five votes on the Supreme Court to overturn the case, Dow decided to settle for $835 million, the bulk of the original award.
“Growing political uncertainties due to recent events with the Supreme Court and increased likelihood for unfavorable outcomes for business involved in class-action suits have changed Dow’s risk assessment of the situation,” the company told Bloomberg News. The case reveals how corporations have used the conservative majority on the court as a safety valve to nullify unfavorable rulings. As the Alliance for Justice has documented, time and again, the Roberts Court has issued 5-4 rulings that protect big corporations from liability, limit access to justice for workers and consumers, and allow companies to evade regulations on the environment, racial and gender discrimination, and monopolistic practices. The most famous of these Court rulings, the Citizens United decision, enabled unlimited corporate spending in elections to attack regulatory structures at the legislative and executive branch. But the corporate stranglehold on the judicial branch provided a backstop, another venue to relieve big business from accountability. Scalia’s death on February 13 changed that, at least temporarily. The 4-4 split between liberals and conservatives on the Court means that, in most controversial cases, a deadlock allows the lower court ruling to stand. And in nine of the 13 federal district courts of appeals, Democrats have appointed the majority of judges, making it harder for corporations to get a favorable judgment. This is not just a theoretical matter; it comes down to dollars and cents, as the Dow Chemical case shows.
The "WHITE SHOE" Skull & Bones law firms are:
- Covington & Burling
- Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield
Perkins Coie - The Federal lawsuit was brought by Senator Bernie Sanders’ supporters against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and its Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, for overt acts to undermine the Sanders’ campaign while boosting the prospects of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Presidential nominee.
Perkins Coie has both revenues and reputation at risk in this matter. According to its web site, it has “more than 1,000 lawyers in 19 offices across the United States.” According to the legal web site, Chambers, “its client roster now reads like a who’s who of social media and technology companies.” Chambers lists three of the largest market cap companies in America as its clients — Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft – and notes that Boeing has been its client for a century. (Perkins Coie is headquartered in Seattle where Boeing was founded.) - Lord Day Lord It unraveled in October 1994 amid mounting partner defections and discord. At the time of dissolution it employed 125 lawyers. About 50 attorneys joined the New York office of the Philadelphia-based law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius.
- Davis Polk Wardwell founded 1849
The Rothschilds Group
Rothschild Bank has been at the center of the world's financial markets for over 200 years. Today, it provides Global Financial Advisory (Investment Banking) Corporate Banking and Private Banking & Trust services to governments, corporations and individuals worldwide. It ranks amongst the world's largest privately-owned banks. It is organized globally through 49 offices in 36 countries. Today Rothschild & Cie Banque (RCB), the corporate successor, is restored to its position as a leading advisory and investment firm. The 1980s gave birth to the international phenomenon of privatisation. Rothschild was involved from the beginning and developed a pioneering role which spread out to more than 30 countries worldwide.
Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG was acquired by Paris Orléans S.C.A. Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG, a bank holding company, through its subsidiaries, provides banking, treasury, investment banking, fundmanagement, private banking, and trust management services to governments, corporations and individuals worldwide. Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG is based in Zug, Switzerland. more
Francis Lynde Stetson (4/23/1846 – 12/5/1920) was an American lawyer.
Born at Keeseville, New York, the son of Lemuel Stetson who served in the New York state assembly and as a representative in the 28th U. S. Congress. He graduated from Williams College in 1867 and from Columbia Law School in 1869. He was admitted to the bar in 1869 and practiced in New York City. He devoted attention chiefly to corporation and railway law, becoming eminent in those lines. He became general counsel of the International Mercantile Marine Company, the Northern Pacific Railway, the Southern Railway, and the United States Rubber Company; also director in several railway companies and other corporations. In 1894, he formed the firm of Stetson, Jennings & Russell (a predecessor to the modern-day Davis Polk & Wardwell), which represented J. P. Morgan's United States Steel Corporation; he was also Morgan's personal attorney.
President Grover Cleveland was a partner in the firm between his two terms as President, and a close friend. Stetson also served as counsel for Samuel J. Tilden in the controversy over the 1876 presidential election. Oral arguments before the United States Supreme Court, most infamously in Brown v. Board of Education, in which he represented South Carolina in defense of racial segregation. With Polk and Wardwell, Davis developed close ties between the firm and the J.P. Morgan companies, as well as the Guaranty Trust Company, the Associated Press, and International Paper. (These ties were long standing, going back to Stetson himself.)
The firm has represented numerous clients in the ongoing financial crisis, with roles in the AIG, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, and Citigroup matters. It has also served as lead counsel to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the U.S. Treasury's $250 billion bank capital purchase program and the creation of the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility.
- Simpson Thacher Bartlett also see
- Debevoise Plimpton Lyons & Gates
- Cravath Swaine & Moore
- Covington & Burling
- Dewey Ballantine Palmer & Woods
- Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy
In addition to their corporate clientele and their direct involvement in government through the frequent appointment of partners to Cabinet posts, these firms also specialize in handling the personal financial affairs and investment portfolios of the leading WASP families. In this respect, the Skull & Bones-centered WASP Establishment imitates the Venetian model. During the height of power of Venice, which was the trading capital of the Byzantine Empire, the leading families used their personal wealth to establish insurance companies, family funds and cultural programs through which they extended their political power.
- Paying Taxes in April You can't do this without the White Shoe Lawyer, Lobbiest, and Politician.
- Dulles Plutocracy: At Yale Dulles worked with the Northern secessionists and attached himself to Daniel Lord; their two families clove together in the fashion of a gang. The Lords became powerful Anglo-American White Shoe Wall Street lawyers, and J.H. Dulles's grandson was the father of Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles. OPIUM TRADE: AND THE WHITE SHOE LAW FIRMS THAT HELP THEM
- Forbes - John Kerry Family II a beneficiary of several Forbes OPIUM MONEY family trusts.
- EducRats Three of Boston’s most prestigious law firms (“white shoe” lawyers) have combine to litigate for more charter schools in the name of civil rights.
Scroll and Key was established by John Addison Porter, with aid from several members of the Class of 1842 and a member of the Class of 1843, William L. Kingsley, after disputes over elections to Skull and Bones Society.
Porter, Kingsley, Enos Taft, Samuel Perkins, Homer Sprague, Lebbeus Chapin, George Jackson, Calvin Child, Charlton Lewis, and Josiah Harmer were among the society's first members and managers. Theodore Runyon, Issac Hiester and Leonard Case, Jr. were also early members. Kingsley is the namesake of the alumni organization, incorporated years after the founding. The society is one of the reputed "Big Three" societies at Yale, along with Skull and Bones and Wolf's Head Society.
The Russell Sage Foundation, which specializes in "social control" programs, was founded by Bonesman.
Should a diploma from either Harvard or Yale
be a prerequisite for a job on the U.S. Supreme Court?
The Harvard-Yalification Of The Supreme Court Author Nicholas Lemann says that the Harvard-Yalification of the court marks a resurgent elitism in American society.
The Pedigree Problem: Are Law School Ties Choking the Profession?
Against Prestige - Snobbism and elitism are the last socially acceptable prejudices. If law school rankings accurately foretold lawyer success, there’d be good reason for thousands of law graduates to be demoralized. But statistics have shown decidedly that they don’t. Instead, the preference toward the so-called elite is largely rooted in vanity and identity.
12/8/14 At America’s court of last resort, a handful of lawyers now dominates the docket
It’s also a self-replicating group of insiders, many of whom previously held positions that offer them deep insight into how the court operates. Among the 66 leading lawyers, 31 worked as a clerk for a Supreme Court justice; in that role, they wrote memos for the justices that summarized petitions and highlighted cases that might be worth hearing. Twenty-five worked in top posts in the U.S. Office of the Solicitor General, whose lawyers represent the federal government before the court. The rise of that specialty bar can be traced to the mid-1980s, when President Reagan’s first solicitor general, Rex Lee, joined the Washington office of Sidley Austin. Demand had grown for lawyers who could help corporations roll back workplace, environmental and consumer regulations that had roots in the late 1960s and early 1970s. At Sidley Austin, Lee launched a high court practice focused on business clients. In the next two years, he argued a remarkable eight cases before the Supreme Court.
12/9/14 Elite lawyers turn Supreme Court against consumers to help Big Business like Amazon
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher is a global law firm, founded in Los Angeles in 1890.
Sidley Austin law firm founded 1866.
Jones Day law firm founded 1893
Gibson Dunn lawyer Ted Boutrous represented Walmart against a class of 1.5 million women who sued, alleging discrimination. He won a 5-4 decision in supreme court. Gibson Dunn handles real estate, securities, corporate, environmental and other legal matters for Walmart – work that has generated more than $50m in new revenue for the firm, say people familiar with the relationship. The Walmart case caught the attention of Boutrous in 2004, shortly after a federal judge in San Francisco certified the class of 1.5 million women, the largest class in American history. Logos of corporations that supported Walmart at the supreme court – FedEx, Bank of America, Microsoft, Cigna, Kimberly-Clark, Walgreens, Dole, DuPont, Tyson, General Electric, Pepsi and Del Monte.
- Top lawyers succeed in repeatedly appearing before high court
- Lawyers with the most access will only take cases that do not hurt interests
- Environmental groups, unions and consumer class-action suits out in the cold
Gibson Dunn is not the only law firm to turn supreme court appearances into gold. After the firm Sidley Austin won a Supreme Court patent case for eBay, it earned at least $10m in unrelated legal fees from the online retailer, say people with knowledge of the account. Likewise, the firm Jones Day secured Westinghouse/CBS as a major client following a successful high court case. In the years that followed, the relationship generated more than $10m in fees, sources say.
Securing profitable, long-term relationships with America’s largest corporations is one reason major law firms began creating supreme court practices in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Now, corporate firms so dominate the supreme court bar that they boast outsized access to a high court that’s already inclined to support corporations over individuals. A Reuters examination of about 10,300 court records filed over a nine-year period shows that lawyers at a dozen law firms, including Gibson Dunn, Sidley Austin and Jones Day, have become extraordinarily adept at getting cases before the supreme court. Although the high court typically agrees to hear 5% of the petitions it receives from private attorneys, Reuters found that lawyers at the top dozen firms were successful 18% of the time.