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✔ To review why and how the British started forcing Opium upon the Chinese population. What were the reasons the British enforced this? What were the brutal means by which they enforced this policy.

✔ To know why the transition from British to American international clout in opium smuggling was so seamless and what the role was of the Boston Brahmins in this transition

✔ To understand how Skull and Bones was formed and how the organization developed power and influence in American politics, finance, foreign policy, and intelligence. 


1. Who were some of the key members of the Boston Brahmins?

2.Who was Thomas Perkins and why was he significant to the sustenance of wealth and power among the Boston Brahmins

3.Why was the merging of Russell and Company with the Perkins syndicate a critical turning point in American economics? 

4.What is the origin of Skull and Bones? How was it founded? Who founded this organization? Who incorporated this company and when? 

5. What is the connection between Skull and Bones and the Boston Brahmins?

6. Name at least five members of Skull and Bones who rose to power and prominence in the United States. Name at least three families who had at least two generations develop power and influence through their affiliation with Skull and Bones.

7. What is the Bilderburg Group? 

8. How are groups like Bilderburg Group and Skull and Bones a threat to democracy in America and around the globe?