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Humanity is everything. Human Curation is the thread in all this research. Not machine values, but personal values. Who you are, what you think, and what you do with your money. The world will be saved by people. Who think. And who lead. Tech, is soulless, and devices are just tools. We need leaders, who embrace the human values that are transforming our landscape.

The truth is that successful people don't waste their time on "research", unless they profit from it.

People reading this research are are fans. Everybody can win at the game of life if you just hunker down and learn the rules and hone your skills. We want to know how the game is played. We want it all, we want it now, and we want to go deep. We are NOT a short attention span culture. We're always looking for great, and this research is great. The truth is we have incredible attention spans, if something is great.